May 8, 2010

THE AMAZING....hunt???

This Saturday morning 3 members of the 654 and a friend from not too far away decided to take part in some free fun. Earlier in the week after watching an inspiring episode of the "Amazing Race" Fongo decided to do some research if there were similar events here in Vancouver. What he found was that there is a city wide "Amazing Race" inspired event called "The Amazing Hunt". The point was, he found out they were doing a trial run this morning and needed some volunteers. And so the only volunteers who showed up were the three of us plus our friend from not too far away". This was Fongo's "worst fear realized", which he repeated several times before we met the organizer.

(On a side note, another worst fear realized by Fongo was the time he accidentally grated his hand on the cheese grater)

Although it was only the four of us which made up two teams to complete the trial run it was still TOTALLY AWESOME. It was like having our own private fun organizer making activities for us. We got to run around Stanley Park on a beautiful sunny morning solving trivia questions and engaging in competition. I won't go into details about what the questions were since this was a trial for a later "Amazing Hunt", but I will let you know that there is way more stuff to explore in Stanley Park then I thought. Yay for free fun!


  1. The real question is whether there would even be a test race if we had not volunteered.

  2. This sounds awesome. Much better than grating your hand on a cheese grater (I also have, recent, experience in that area).

  3. "This was Fongo's "worst fear realized", which he repeated several times before we met the organizer." ha ha ha

    i would have loved that

  4. I LOVE COMMENTS! thanks everyone
